The city that never sleeps went to sleep for some time but now it is waking up… and is there any better way to wake up than Pride?!

Where I grew up, people must hide their sexuality if they are not straight. Coming to New York City allowed me to learn how different lifestyles make the world better in infinite ways. I only hope we help nurture the differences we find in the world!

These are my thoughts on Pride 2021. What are yours? Share them to me on Instagram!

It’s so exciting and a big relief to see the city waking up…We are wondering what happens next.Everywhere, you can see people coming together — finally!

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Event Calendar

Sun., June 9

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Tompkins Square Park
Farmers' Market
@9th Street and Avenue A

Sun., June 23

10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Grand Bazaar
100 West 77th Street & Columbus Avenue Manhattan